Saturday, January 12, 2013

2012 Memories

 I decided at least to make a post about my year. Looking at all the pictures I've took during 2012, I realised how great it was. I traveled a lot, started some new hobbys and bounded some new friendships. 
My year started with this blog, but as you can see I only started posting at the end of the year, so you can say I also ended with the blog. 
Winter is not really my thing. You can see that I have no photos taken in winter. I don't like the cold weather and the snow, so don't wonder yourself why there are no picture from the winter time.

I discovered a new passion last year: baking and cooking. I am now the new chef and baking man in our family and make the cakes for every occasion.  I find it interesting to mix different flavoures and see what turns out, to try new recipes out and, of course, eaaat them ! I loooove food and cakes (!).
But this is not the only new hobby I discovered. In summer there was a crafts fair in our town and a nice lady taught me how to make jewelry out of wire. I loved the idea that I can make anything I want and be as creative as possible. I even sold them and make everytime I have some free time new ones.

 As I said, I traveled pretty much a lot last year. I love to travel and if there is any opportunity to go somewhere, I am for sure there. I went on a trip, for the 10th time now, to Croatia. I visited now, literally, the whole country and I love it. It has so many beautiful places and the sea...amazing! From Croatia we went directly to Slovenia, to a friend and had a little trip to Ljubljana and Novo Mesto. It is a really small, but beautiful country, that I also visit almost every year. After that we went to Germany and stayed there for some days, went shopping, out with my cousines and visited Munich. I love that city, it is really amazing and breathtaking. 
I ended my trip with a last stop to Budapest. I decided to visit it again as soon as possible, because that stop was way to short.
This was not my last trip. In October we (some collegues from school) traveled to Germany. We won a project about politics, on which we worked a year and then had to make a presentation of it in front of 7 or 8 other schools from our country. The trip was the first price, that we won and it was a week in Germany.

So how was your year?


  1. Ce post frumos:)

  2. Greart blog;) I follow you on Facebook;) If you want to follow me back;)
    Anna ANTJE

  3. Thank you. I will follow u. Have a nice night. Xo

  4. Such a lovely blog you have! I miss Croatia sometimes so much! :) I started my own blog just recently, hope you like it! :)

    Kisses, Kristina!

  5. really love your blog! wanna follow each other?


  6. Cool your blog

    xx from Paris

    Go see my blog and put it a comment please ;)

  7. oo croatia, my country <3 i will follow you


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